Stage 6: Verification
Project implementation shall be verified by an independent third-party verification organisation according to the validated PDD and the criteria outlined in the Natural Forest Standard requirements and NFS approved methodology. Project proponents shall produce a Project Implementation Report (PIR) that describes the project and monitoring activities that have been implemented in the project area and the outcomes of such activities. The PIR shall also include the quantification of carbon benefits, the biodiversity rating, social impact information and general progress of the project since the start of the project and over the current implementation period.
Project proponents shall select an appropriate independent third-party VVB to undertake the verification process, as per the process for validation, set out in Stage 3. The same VVB may be engaged for verification that carried out validation, or it can be carried out by an alternative independent third-party organisation that is appropriately accredited.
Once the VVB has been appointed, the PIR, as well as any other appropriate documentation shall be submitted to the VVB for commencement of verification.
The assertion of carbon benefits shall be independently verified to a reasonable level of assurance, according to ISO 14064-3 by an organisation accredited by a national accreditation body to verify projects under ISO 14064-3, prior to credit issuance. Initial verification shall involve a site visit to the project area and subsequent verification audits shall involve a site visit to the project area at intervals no greater than 5 years. Periodic verification of carbon assertions shall be carried out as a desk-based audit, prior to credit issuance. A separate guidance document is available outlining the expectations and requirements of the periodic verification process.
Major discrepancies identified by the verifier shall be addressed prior to credit issuance. Minor discrepancies identified by the verifier shall be addressed within a timescale agreed with the verifier. Verifiers shall have discretion to raise minor discrepancies to the status of major discrepancies if they are not adequately addressed within the agreed time frame.
The verification process shall result in a verification report and statement which should confirm that the PDD, PIR and internal Management Plan meet the requirements of the NFS and should confirm the carbon assertions of the quantification period.