The NFS is being developed by experts and stakeholders in natural forest protection, certification systems and climate science, co-ordinated by Resilience Constellation

Resilience Constellation is a company dedicated to improving the use of geospatial data to address climate change impacts and other environmental challenges. Our team has decades of experience working with governments, space agencies and development agencies support improved decision making and financial allocations.

Resilience Constellation is co-ordinating development efforts on the NFS to ensure it becomes widely recognised crediting system that contributes to the protection and restoration of natural forests at scale. This activity includes running many of the day to day processes around the operation of the standard.


Ecosystem Certification Organisation (ECO) is a not-for-profit organisation that is the governing body of the Natural Forest Standard (NFS). For the past ten years, ECO has overseen the early development of the standard and its application within the landmark Trocano project in Amazonia.


Independent Experts

The NFS acknowledges the input of a number of independent experts in its design, development and application. We welcome approaches from relevant experts who are able to advise on a range of relevant issues.

Dr Nicholas Berry; Ecometrica / The Landscapes & Livelihoods Group

Marissa Camargo; Indufor / Sustainability Advisory

Jeffrey Hayward; Rainforest Alliance / Wildlife Works

Catriona Clunas; Ecometrica / FCDO

Dr Neha Hunka; Ecometrica / University of Maryland

Duncan Macqueen; International Institute for Environment and Development

Professor Ed Mitchard; University of Edinburgh

Professor Patrick Meir; University of Edinburgh

Dr Lucio Pedroni; Carbon Decisions International

Professor Rupert Seidl; University of Oregon / Technische Universität München

Dr Karin Viergever; Ecometrica / Shell


(Experts are listed in alphabetical order, their organisation affiliation when first inputting to NFS development is listed first, followed by latest affiliation, if changed).

Technology Providers

The NFS uses a number of technology partners to streamline the processing and delivery of geospatial data products. We welcome approaches from providers of data and processing technologies who may be able to improve the accuracy, speed or cost-effectiveness of forest monitoring.

Ecometrica logo

Ecometrica is a leading provider of software solutions for sustainability, including a powerful geospatial platform that allows the organisation and analysis of rasterised map products.

Day to Day Operations

The Natural Forest Standard crediting program is operated by Resilience Constellation under the supervision of Ecosystem Certification Organisation, with support from relevant experts in forest conservation, ecosystem services, social issues, as required. The operational functions include:

  • Ensuring the operation of technical and risk panels
  • Maintenance of website and communication channels
  • Administration of project registration and updates
  • Approval of verifiers
  • Administration of crediting process
  • The NFS operations team shall approve methods, maps, data and guidance for use based on recommendations from the NFS Technical Panel

Approval of Methods, Maps, Data and Guidance

Technical Panel

The Technical Panel, appointed by the Board,  reviews and approves carbon maps, risk maps (for baseline purposes), and reviews and improves guidance and methodological materials.

The Technical Panel comprises of independent specialists with relevant expertise.

In making recommendations for approval and use methods, maps, data and guidance, the Technical Panel shall consider:

  • The quality of underlying evidence used to generate maps and reference data
  • The acceptance or use of maps and reference data by official bodies or other organisations
  • The transparency of methods used to generate the maps and reference data
  • The temporal and spatial relevance to the proposed project areas

In making recommendations to be used the Technical Panel shall consider the potential for both Type 1 and Type 2 errors in the application of assumptions and methods.

Risk Panel

The Risk Panel, appointed by the Board,  determines appropriate levels of credits to be held within the reserve accounts of the NFS projects.

The Risk Panel comprises of  independent specialists with relevant expertise.